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Dear Parents,
We are thrilled to announce a fourth installment of the Road to Supernationals class, that this time is designed specifically for those students who not only have their established USCF rating already from the previous classes they have attended, but it is for those rated at least 1000 ASCF/USCF or higher.
Led by Coach Joe Lafornara, this class will not be held 2 nights per week like they have done in the past but now only once per week on Monday nights for 3 hours from 5:30pm to 8:30pm.
The topics that will be covered in this class are as follows:
*Minor piece middlegame theory
*Advanced pawn structure theory
This class is designed to target and help students who are currently rated over 1000 ASCF/USCF and would like to improve their chess skills and prepare for playing in either the 2025 SuperNationals VIII in Florida May 9-11th as well as prepare them to play on the Chess Emporium’s team that will be competing in the International Youth Chess Championship in Las Vegas June 4-8th 2025.
If you have any questions or would like more information about the program, feel free to call Coach Joe at 480-865-2299 he will provide additional details and address any concerns you may have about the class. Join us as we prepare your child for an unforgettable journey in the world of chess. Class starts Monday January, 20th and will end on Monday, March 24th.
The cost for the class is $349.00 however Coach Joe is currently offering a special early bird discount of only $309.00.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Chess Emporium staff at kids@chessemporium.com.
This service brought to you by:
The Chess Emporium
7000 E. Shea Boulevard, Suite E-120
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
United States
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